Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not so much "on the wagon" anymore

About 24 hours ago I blogged about Raoul. This afternoon while sitting at my desk I noticed he was leaning. I touched him and a bit of his little plant was sitting loosely in the soil. Next thing I know a third of my plant Raoul CAME OUT OF THE POT IN MY HAND! It was like a bad horror movie! My poor dear sweet Raoul! What have I done to you? Devastating I tell you.

When my sponsor came down to my desk, she dealt with it very professionally, and proceeded to freak out. She doesn't know what to do with me now as she never figured that I would fail at a supervised succulent that I wasn't allowed to water. And she's a good support as she told me that "the plant committed suicide because it had such a smothering mommy."

But I'm freaking out here. And now my sponser is acting as Plant Protective Services (PPS) and taking my plant away "for its safety." My Raoul plant is in a foster home and it's been less than a week! I'm thinking the only reason my cat is alive is my husband. And I definitely should not be left alone with children. I've heard that in many 12 Step Programs, you are not allowed to have a relationship until you have kept a dog alive, and prior to that kept a plant alive. A PLANT! The point with me is that I can't keep a plant alive! Now tell me, what's the step smaller than a plant? Mold?

So now, who knows what step I am on. My sponser said I shouldn't worry as she would bring me a plant she received as a start from our mom that I would NEVER be able to kill. "What plant?" I asked.

A pothos.... Yeah, I've already killed one of those.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you poor thing. Some people just aren't plant people. Those people should get some nice arrangements of dried things or maybe some fake plants or some lovely pottery.

Or maybe your plant was born with a congenital defect, and it was only manifested when it came to live in your office. Don't blame yourself.

Now, go and get yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate and stop feeling guilty about things you cannot control.

There there.

Are you consoled?

Kimberly said...

Just stick to the Dr. Pepper--It won't ever die because you drink it too fast. I am telling you, plants just aren't worth that much stress. Your precious Raoul just wanted to be closer to Mich--they are like that sometimes. Even my kids would rather live with Mich. Several of my plants have gone on to foster homes and trust me, it is much better for all involved. Hang in there sweetie! I know you will make it through this. I think kids will be much easier on you than plants will--they somehow have a stronger will to live.

Ben and Iris said...

By the way, how many plants did you kill while working at the floral shop? Perhaps you should get rid of your Voodoo mask, it is probably putting a curse on all your plants. I do remember Spice breaking off leaves of my plant and bringing them to me whenever he stayed with us. Has he been sneaking over to your work and secretly poisoning them? Maybe he should go into counseling, or are there 12 step programs for cats? Meanwhile, try growing rocks, they are pretty hard to kill. (Please don't kill the start your sponsor gave you, it took me almost 45 years of loving care to get them to stay alive.)MOM