Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm not as think as you drunk I am

Why would someone ever put walnuts in an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie? It's not called a Oatmeal Walnut Raisin Cookie, is it? No! But apparently Skool Lunch does put walnuts in their oatmeal raisin cookies, without bothering to label it. Thus, leaving me to eat said cookie, and have an allergic reaction. Thanks! So now, Angelina Jolie Lips- here I come! However I've now popped some Benadryl strips which have rendered me a bit high and loopy and happy... but that's not good seeing as I was just pulled into two impromptu meetings, one of which to impress a potential client. HA! I realized I should probably go home at the time I realized that the word "point" has a 't' in it that I just couldn't seem to pronounce. And I'm laugh alot when no one else seems to think things are funny. And I'm slurring a bit, combining words together that, I'm not sure, but probably shouldn't be put together. So, I'm bailing out early from work today, wondering what I would be like drunk. And agreeing with myself that I made a good choice staying away from the juice all these years as I'm almost certain- I would love it.


Mich said...

I didn't know you were a non-drinking drunk. I'm a non-smoking smoker. Yes, I know, smoking is a dirty habit ("I know a worse one"), but I really do believe that with my addictive personality, I'm a smoker. I just don't smoke. Hope the lips make it down to size soon....

Anonymous said...
