Friday, March 14, 2008

“No one cares for you a smidge, when you're in an orphanage..."

Growing up I loved the movie Annie, and I mean LOVED! So much so, I would even say “I lufft it!” I’d watch it every chance I got, and since I was the “oh so loved and sweetest” youngest, I got to watch it a lot! Then when I was about 4 years old, my family went on a road-trip vacation, which unfortunately meant a vacation from Annie. It was a hard-knock life for us. I’m sure my older siblings who had by default watched and/or listened to Annie via movie or me, were rather distraught at missing Annie, right? On the way out of town my dad pulled the big (sub)‘burban into the K-Mart parking lot and we waited while he went inside to get something. When he came out, he popped a tape into the tape deck and magically, the sounds of Annie were streaming through the vehicle! Such absolute excitement, as you could imagine, as I had no clue that Annie could be on tape as a soundtrack! I sang along the entire way to California! Bliss! Somehow my older siblings don’t remember this with the same fondness as I do… I’m not sure quite why.

Having shared this, my friends and dear family sit on the edge of your seats and try to contain your excitement as I make the following announcement: Annie is coming to Kingsbury Hall April 8-13! I invite you one and all to come along! And I’m sure each one of my siblings will want seats right next to mine! Let me know when you want to go and I’ll get seats right together! It’s not quite “Tomorrow, Tomorrow” but tickets will be sold out soon! …”Come on Sandy!”...


Kimberly said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth!

Mich said...

Kill, Kill, Kill....

rachel said...

so is that a yes?

Susannah said...

Rachel, you make me laugh! I also had a love of Annie, but my true love was Little House on the Prairie. Just ask my sisters. I don't think they have the same love.

Keep up the great blog. I enjoy reading it!

Susannah (Gledhill) ... once upon a time piano teacher

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's funny. If I were to win some tickets, I would take my girls. But I don't think I would be paying to go and see the little redhead singing her heart out. Unless Carol Burnett were Miss Hannigan, cause I think she was the best one.

Ben and Iris said...

I almost cry when I hear Annie. I loved those days. Your siblings are just envious of your great imitation.