Friday, August 29, 2008

Why instant messaging makes my day

My sister, who is one of my coworkers, sent this chain of gems. While we usually use IM for very official work purposes, occasionally we have bits like this:

M says:
Imagine me setting up bottled water in a bowl of ice because a) it looks refreshing and b) the *@#* water bottles weren't cold enough.
M says:
Imagine people on a conference call around the large table chatting about millions of dollars.
M says:
Not regular people, mind you, artsy people from THE (insert art center of choice).
R says:
well you do need cold water to be artsy. only if you are civilized.
M says:
Imagine seeing artsy people scuffling around and me hearing the word towel
M says:
Imagine me lamely handing a board member a roll of paper towels and hearing That bowl of ice has leaked all over the table and imagine that this board member is my boss.
M says:
Imagine me running downstairs for a replacement bowl and absorbent tea towel.
M says:
Imagine an embarrassed woman dodging discarded office chairs in an attempt to stealthily sneak into the conference room without making any noise to disturb the meeting.
M says:
Imagine a large butted woman in a skirt shoving her way between two annoyed artsies to sop up a puddle.
M says:
Now, if you can, imagine this woman crawling in her skirt, onto the table, trying to quietly sop, and with a wet tea towel, shorting out the conference call box, immediately bringing them meeting to a Fourth of July Firework type ending.
M says:
I hope you could properly imagine that last paragraph, because it's only imaginary. But you know that is what was going through my mind the entire time I was sopping...
R says:
wow... that was ultra-fabulous

M says:
Thank you...thank you very much....


Ben and Iris said...

Only my Michi could make us see the whole thing in our minds. Who else could get away with doing that and still come out somewhat smiling and helping us to love her and her marvelous personality even more. I have never met anyone who does not love her. Thanks for sharing. Love MOM (the artsy one)
P.S.Next time let them die of thirst.

Kimberly said...

Huh. So was this after lunch because Mich seemed so wonderfuly fine at lunch. Please give her a great big hug from me. I think Mich should write a book about a mommy who works in the corporate world and all her adventures that cause her trauma. It would be quite the comedy if she wrote it!

Janet said...

Mich and Rach both make me laugh all the time! You guys are great!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You guys are hilarious!