Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"You're so domesticated"

That's what my mom would say if she saw what I was up to lately. Anytime I would do something crafty, domestic or otherwise traditionally homemaker-esk, she'd tell me I was "so domesticated!" So here are a few bits of what I've been up to that would make my mudder proud:

Brownie Sandwich Cookies

Mr Crocheted Caterpillar

Homemade Grape Juice

And why yes, the grapes did come from the vines in my backyard.

And yes, my sister and I are totally juice'n pros now.

And yes, we were somewhat underwhelmed to get only 8 quarts of juice from a literal ton of grapes.


Ben and Iris said...

You are right, your mudder is very proud of you. It only took 1/4th a century to get you domesticated but the wait was well worth it. Save me some juice. Love your mudder

H Yoho said...

Rach, how exactly did you come up with the juice? Did you feel your tub up with the grapes and squish them with your feet?

Ben and Iris said...

Holli, Mich and Rach have told me that they wanted to get a small kids swimming pool and have a grape tromping party. I'm surprised they did not invite you. I don't think I would drink that kind of juice right away however, it would probably not be safe until the year 2099

Jen said...

Way to go! I haven't done grape juice, but when I made applesauce I was shocked at how little juice comes from so much fruit! Looks delish!

Nicky Yamamoto said...

HI!! Okay so I randomly found your blog through Becca's and am soooo excited to see what you have been up to! Looks like you are having some serious fun!!! Love to you! I have a blog too, if you want to check it out: johnandnickyyamamoto.blogspot.com

I hope things are fantastic!!!
Love to you!
Nicky Goebel Yamamoto In case you don't know who this crazy person is!

Anonymous said...

Those brownie sandwiches look darn well good enough to eat.

Kimberly said...

Are you sure we are related? I am nowhere near this kind of domestication. I thought keeping up on laundry and making a somewhat yummy/less than 5 ingredient dinner meant you are domestic.

Jeremy and Heidi said...

Wow, I'm speechless at your talents. I'm a 'crafty' person, and I tried crocheting, and no way was I good at it at all--there are no cute little caterpillars in my future. Impressive!