Friday, August 8, 2008

lds + green

So I've added some new blogs to my side list. Blogs which chat green things from an lds perspective. Now while this is the ultimate in cheese and I was reluctant to do so, I decided to add them after reading this fabulous post from Green Mormon Architect. Number 7 is my personal favorite.

The Top Ten Reasons to be a Green Mormon:

#10 Mormons are cheap and being sustainable saves money

# 9 The prophet said to plant a garden

# 8 Being translated is the smallest carbon footprint of all – just ask the Three Nephites

# 7 You can now be even more peculiar than all the other peculiar people in your ward

# 6 The stuff in Revelations doesn’t sound so bad if you believe in global warming

# 5 Feeding 5000 people with a few loaves and fish is really the way to go

# 4 We don’t have enough commandments yet

# 3 The earth already represents the lowest kingdom – making it worse leaves only outer darkness

# 2 We’re already used to saying, ‘It’s against my religion…’

# 1 Free your guilty conscience

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