At church, groups take turns doing a Sunday Sacrament Service for the rest home in our neighborhood. It had come to the time where my young women were to do the program; prayers, speakers, musical number. My young women do not enjoy doing these things to begin with and it was made worse by the fact that it involved “old people.” They are freaked out by old people; healthy, sick, small, boisterous, jolly… it doesn’t matter. If the people are over the age of about 75-80, my girls can’t stand them. Knowing they would be less than thrilled, the conversation went something like this:
R: “Okay girls, we’re in charge of the Sunday Sacrament Meeting for the rest home. We need VOLUNTEERS to help”
YW: whine, complain, “we did that last year”, moan, moan, moan, “old people,” whine, “gross,” grumble, grumble, “I spoke in church at Christmas”, blah, blah, blah, “not it”…
R: “We can do this one of three ways. You can sweetly volunteer to do what you want to do. You can take the chance and draw a card from my hand that will say what you will do. Or I can go all Nazi on you and dictate what each of you will do.”
I suddenly realize I am sitting next to our German foreign exchange student.
R: “Oh, um, what I meant is you that won’t have a choice and I’ll just tell you what to do.”
YW: “Yea, go Nazi on us! If we don’t do what you say will you put us in a gas chamber?”
The foreign exchange student’s face turns red and gives me a well-deserved scowl.
R: “I shouldn’t have said that… what I mean is…”
YW: “I like the Nazi way! Are you going to kill our families, starve us…”
Yes, this would be one of those times at church when varied and inappropriate curses run through your mind…